Anwar Ali

Design Portfolio

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Ad Campaign

Kissa Tanto

When it comes to Vancouver's food scene, gastropubs and chain restaurants dominate.

Chinatown's Kissa Tanto, one of the city's upscale eateries, also uniquely offers a fusion of two popular ethnic cuisines: Italian and Japanese. These two features are leveraged in the It's Date Night campaign.

The premise is all about perception. By presenting a choice to any prospective client of the image they'd like to portray, we can attach an emotional connection to a fine dining experience.

The ads plays with juxtaposition using raw and cooked fish as a metaphor. If you identify with the cooked version, you're a confident, successful professional and you dine at Kissa Tanto. If you don't, you're, well, a debutante and you won't fit in it there.

The ads suggest that Kissa Tanto is the place to be if you're looking to impress.

*This is a conceptual project in no way associated with Kissa Tanto.